The Case of "Fluffy the Cat"
Case Page 7
By day five post remedy the diarrhea is gone and she is essentially back to her old self but she has started with some sneezing and a runny nose. Fluffy's mom wants to run out and get her some antibiotics since they have "cured" this the last six times Fluffy has had this upper respiratory "infection". Obviously she had not read through the Primer as well as she could and she does not realize that these colds were never really cured, only suppressed and the return of an old symptom can indicate an excellent response to the remedy. The Vital Force now feels strong enough to deal with this old problem.
She trusts us enough (and since Fluffy is acting great) she waits and the symptoms of the cold subside in two days and Fluffy continues to improve. A month later we look at her case and find that there are still signs of the underlying chronic disease. These signs include a dry hair coat, inflamed gums and vomiting hairballs. We then look to determine the next remedy as the process of healing Fluffy's deeper chronic disease continues. Since her symptom picture is now different, her remedy picture is also different. We might feel there is adequate reason to repeat the Arsenicum but it may be a completely different remedy is now indicated. This stresses the importance of being patient, observant and keeping a journal so we can chart the progress and refer back to the effect of a certain remedy in the years to come.
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Suppression: Suppression attempts to eliminate a symptom of an illness rather than eliminating the underlying cause of an illness that would bring about a true cure. Modern medicine feels, in most cases, that the elimination of the symptom is the same as the elimination of the disease. Homeopaths maintain that suppression of a symptom can lead to the symptom reappearing in another more serious form.
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Return of Old Symptoms: When a remedy is acting in a curative way, the vital force becomes stronger and often will bring out older problems that were previously suppressed. This is a wonderful sign in a case and the old symptoms are usually milder and of a shorter duration. In some cases, as the vital force becomes stronger, the symptoms become more "external" per Hering's Law of Cure and some these symptoms, especially skin ear problems, can be annoying last a prolonged time.
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Chronic Disease: This is the overall morbid (disease producing) process that is the result of all the negative things that happen(ed) to the body and the vital force. Poor diet, vaccinations, suppressed symptoms, stress and external influences like toxins all contribute to the progression of chronic disease in the patient. The struggle between the chronic disease and the vital force creates symptoms. This pattern of symptoms is the key to the appropriate homeopathic remedy to aid the body in healing itself.
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